Saturday, May 18, 2013


First Date on July 4, 1936

We have spent some time getting to know the Jondles.  Now we return to Steve’s story. We left Steve and Betty at the Expo Dance Hall in the summer of 1936. (You may want to review the “Blue Skirt Waltz” story posted on April 29.)

Here Betty tells us about their first date and Steve's penchant for used cars.

Betty: And, so the first date was in the afternoon of Fourth of July.  He had a Model A Ford.  And what did we do? I think we went to the carnival or something?  Oh, yeah, there’s that picture, it was a little tiny picture and Rose blew it up and it’s up on top of the desk.  That was taken at the carnival.  Now, that was our first date.

So, from then on it was him and me.  My folks would go (to the dances) we’d meet there.  And then he got around where he came and got me. And the next time he came over he had a brown Chevy coupe and he was so proud of it.  He got it on the road; well there was no speed limit those days.  “Let’s see what it will do.”  Well, I started crying, I was scared.

Later on, towards fall, he had a great big four-door Pontiac. And that was a bad winter, and nobody hardly got around and the schools were closed but he made it every Sunday except once. Harbochek had to… he made it as far as Harbocheks that were down the next corner and down a little ways and they pulled him out with horses. (end of quote)

On another occasion Betty commented about Steve’s penchant for buying used cars. She thought that her dad had passed on his love of polka music to her and that her sons’ love of cars came from the Miklo side.

Betty: But, my dad, he used to sit in the wintertime, he used to get that old stove going and listen to those records and that’s, that’s in me.  And the cycles and cars and stuff, that’s the Miklo side. Yeah, your father had a different car every time he came out to see me.  Oh, those car dealers – they loved him.  They seen him, they knew they had him. (end of quote)

One other time Betty talked about the picture of her first date with Steve.

Bob: So, he’s wearing a tie in this picture.
Betty: Yeah, but he would never have it up like it’s supposed to be.
Bob: It was always loose?
Betty: Yeah, it was always loose.
Bob: So, what did you do on the date?
Betty: I think we went to a carnival.  There was a carnival in town.
Bob: Did you go on some rides or . . .
Betty: God, I don’t remember.  I know we drove through Olsen Park.  Oh, well, as far as I was concerned I didn’t want anybody else but him.
Bob: So, that was 1936?
Betty: Yeah, we got married in ’37.

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